Goodness of the Gospel

Galatians 5:22-26

Pew Bible Pg. 948


I.  How we define goodness is critical to truly being good.


    A.  If I compare myself to someone else, I will always be good.                      II Cor. 10:11-14


    B.  If I compare myself to Jesus, I realize I am not as good as I thought.

                                                                                                        Rom. 3:23, II Cor. 5:20-21


II.  We can find ourselves thinking our goodness is good enough.                          Mark 10:17-22


    A.  God’s Word says that within ourselves there is no one who does pure good.          Ps. 14:1-3


    B.  Fruit of the Spirit goodness is only found in full surrender to Jesus Christ. Mark 10:27-31


III.  The Joy of true Goodness is living in light of eternity. 


    A.  Having believed, we can now do good to everyone...                                                Gal. 6:10


    B.  ...Especially those who are fellow believers.                                                         Gal. 6:10


How good do I think I am?



Do I see my desperate need for the goodness/righteousness of Jesus?



By the power of God and for the glory of God, am I striving to do good to all people, especially those who are fellow believers?

